Welcome to GASTAAD & HAMMOND CUSTOMS AND IMMIGRATIONS. This is a full brain-space biometrics scan analysis. Please wave your hand upon the BLENDER-SENSE HOLOGRAPHIC CUBE and allow the agency access to your consciousness.
For immigration purposes, please confirm you are from a ZERO-CIVILIZATION and that these forms have undergone a [SINGULARITY TRANSFER] from an APOSTLES grid. Network terminals are available if you are from an UNDERSPECIFIED-LANGUAGE digital civilization.
Place both hands in the BODY-INFUSION PLATFORM in your cyberpotential electronic chamber and please conform to symbioform presentations in time below one SCAPE DELAY. Look into the 18th Holographic Plane and name SUN, MOON and ELEMENT.
Brief spectrum-level analysis and metaentoptic (in-body) close analysis confirms that the subject’s biodream record is six months old at the minimum, and the subject’s agency has reached minimum-life integration. Coordinates are within the approved range of telepathery and low-threshold eidolocity. Acknowledge confirmatory data sequence.
Consciousness threads are likely true blue, no splinter-life sentience detected. Acknowledged presence in traveler’s machine ships is therefore recorded positive. Indicative of DREAM architecture late maturation. DATA FLAG: pathogenic hallucination traces absent for final cognitive map closure. CONCLUSION: subject most likely survived an accidental zero-civilization implosion. Transmission approved and entry recorded on pathogene of streamline research.
Welcome to GASTAAD, traveler.